Saturday, December 29, 2018

End of Year 1- Report Card

Dani stared at Thorndon School in August after we moved from Hong Kong and has quickly settled into the new life in Wellington.     

End of Year 1 Report Card - December 2018

2018 Other Areas


Year Level: 1
Room number: 12 (Tūī)
Teacher: Beth Huntington

Teacher's Comments
Dani is a delightful girl who always shows enthusiasm for school and the activities we do. She has settled very quickly into Thorndon School life and has made many friends. She likes to be fully involved in all curriculum areas and always tries her best. She has adapted to working in the English medium very quickly and with apparent ease. Dani is always happy and cheerful and is caring and helpful towards others. Dani has made good progress across the curriculum since coming to Thorndon. Well done Dani. You have done really well in all areas. I look forward to seeing you progress further next year.  

Integrated Curriculum - Te Huinga o te Mātauranga

Science: Dani has enjoyed learning about the Physical World. She learnt about the effect of friction and gravity on marbles and was able to describe what happens  when marbles travel over different  surfaces. She was then able to use gravity to make a marble travel without using any means of propulsion.

Language and Languages - Ngā Reo

Te Reo Māori
 BeginningDeveloping Consolidating Excelling 
 Unenthused  Engaged Positive Enthusiastic 
Attitude  ✓
Dani has learnt a karakia for the beginning and the end of our Te Reo classes. She knows the actions and words for a number of waiata including Tutira Mai which she has also sung at our pōwhiri. Dani can respond to a range of questions such as “What is your name?” and “How are you feeling?”  Dani knows a number of action words such as pakipaki (clap) and oma (run). She knows some colours and numbers in te reo Māori . 

This year our language learning focused on basic greetings, animals, family members, songs, and reviewing numbers and body parts.  Our cultural activities included making red envelopes for Chinese New Year, panda painting, zodiac animal headbands and creating a family member brochure. -He Yi

The Arts - Ngā Toi
Visual Arts:  Dani persevered to complete an interesting and colourful piece of visual art with buildings and trees as the main focus, in the style of Friedensreich  Hundertwasser. She was enthusiastic and worked studiously to complete her picture to a good standard.  

Dance: Dani is able to create a movement based on her name and teach it to a small group.  She was able to perform her routine to an audience. Dani could move in different ways through a space such as skipping, galloping and hopping.
Krista Huber 

Physical Education - Hauora

Locomotion Skills
 BeginningDeveloping Consolidating Excelling 
 Running   ✓
 Balance  ✓
Contexts: Running. Athletics. Fitness.

Ball Skills
 BeginningDeveloping Consolidating Excelling 
 Striking   ✓
 Throwing   ✓
 Catching  ✓
 Dribbling  ✓
Contexts: Ball Games. Fitness. Futsal. Cricket.

 BeginningDeveloping Consolidating Excelling 
 Confidence   ✓

 Floating  ✓ 

 Kicking  ✓
 Gliding  ✓

Dani enjoys taking part in Physical Education activities. She follows instructions well and likes to do each activity to the best of her ability.

Principal's Comments
 Dani has settled in very well at Thorndon and is now a bright bubbly presence in the school. She is getting involved in everything and is progressing well with her learning. Mr du.

In this area, we are reporting on your child's progress in the 'writing' component to the English strand of the New Zealand Curriculum. The matrix below breaks writing into its component parts and then identifies the steps that students pass through on their journey to becoming mature writers. You will be able to see the steps that your student has mastered and the steps your student is currently working on. You can also look ahead to what is coming next.
Explanation statements - will open in this window of your browser - please click the Back button to return to the report.
Content and Ideas - Sentence Formation - Structure - Vocabulary - Language Features - Spelling - Punctuation

 Progression area Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 
 Content and ideas (explanation)Completed  In Progress

 Sentence formation  (explanation) In Progress 

 Structure (explanation)Completed In Progress

 Vocabulary  (explanation)Completed In Progress

 Language Features (explanation)NA 

 Spelling (explanation)In Progress  

 Punctuation (explanation)In Progress  

Samples of your child's writing
 Date Writing Sample (click link to view) Teacher Comments
 End of Year 2018 SampleDani enjoys writing and settles to the writing task quickly each day. She usually completes one to  two sentences, with just a little help. She is using the word card and wall dictionary well to find words she needs. She is also relating sounds to letters, especially initial letter sounds and is making good attempts at unknown words.
Dani is using full stops correctly in most situations and knows when to use capital letters. Her word bank of known basic words is growing steadily.
Dani is working at the expected level for her age. 

n this area, we are reporting on your child's progress in the 'reading' component to the English strand of the New Zealand Curriculum. As we have not yet developed a matrix which breaks reading into its constituent parts, this part of the report follows the more traditional, descriptive format that you will be familiar with from previous report forms. 

 Year Mid-yearEnd of Year
 2018   Dani has made very good progress with reading in English. She enjoys reading and likes to read new stories as often as she can. She enjoys reading to me and is beginning to read with good expression to make her reading sound like talking.  She is using good self correction strategies and is reading confidently and with fluency.
Although Dani is not yet at the expected level for her age I expect her progress to keep accelerating as it is now and feel that sometime during next year she will be reading at an age appropriate level. 


The matrix below breaks mathematics into its component parts and then identifies the steps that students pass through on their journey to becoming mature mathematicians. You will be able to see the steps that your child has mastered and the steps your child is currently working on. You can also look ahead to what is coming next.

There are two parts to this section of the report: mathematical strategies and mathematical knowledge. These two areas support one another, so both need to develop in tandem to ensure continued progress in mathematics.
  • Mathematical Strategies covers the strategies the students use to solve mathematical problems. 
  • Mathematical Knowledge covers the instantaneous number knowledge that students bring to the problem solving process.
Mathematical Strategies
 Progression area Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 
Addition and SubtractionCompleted In Progress 
 Multiplication and Division In Progress 
 Proportions and RatiosNA 
Mathematical Knowledge
 Progression area Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 
Number Sequence and OrderCompleted  In Progress
 Fractions In Progress 
 Place Value In Progress 
 Basic Facts In Progress 

Teacher Comments
End of Year 2018Dani enjoys Mathematics and likes taking part in simple mathematical games.

She can count forward to 30 and backwards from 10.  She recognises numbers from 0-43. She is able to name the number after and before a given number up to and from 20.
Dani is able to add two numbers  adding up to 10 by 'counting-on by imaging'  (in her head without materials) . For larger numbers above 10 she needs to use materials and count from one.
Dani is learning to count in twos and  is able to recognise some basic geometrical shapes including square, circle, rectangle and triangle .
She is able to compare lengths of objects and state which one is longer or shorter.

Dani is working  at the expected level for her age.

15 Attachments

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