Tuesday, September 19, 2023

New Puppy Elizabeth

Our new family member Elizabeth.  She was bon on May 11,2023.  She is a rescue from an organization called Saving Hope.   When we adopted her she was about 16 weeks old

Dani and I volunteered at an event for Saving Hope and that is where Dani met Elizabeth.  There were many puppies but she knew right away that she wanted to adopt Elizabeth.

At the Saving Hope were Dani met Elizabeth

We visited the woman who was fostering Elizabeth and her three sisters.  She was on a farm in Dairy Flats north of Auckland

Elizabeth stayed with Dani during the visit was really amazing.

I picked Elizabeth up a few days later to surprise Dani.  She is looking sad leaving her sisters.

Back at home

Short walk to the beach for Elizabeth.  We stop on the way to school with Dani

Our house is close by the high school that Dani will attend in a few years.  Takapuna Grammar School.  A great place to walk Elizabeth

1 comment:

  1. Great Dog now train it!
    These are just a few, 30 minutes a day🤠👏👏
