Thursday, December 19, 2019

Thorndon School End of Year 2- Report Card

Completion of Year 2 at Thorndon School in Wellington with her teacher Briar Parker and Krista Huber and Principle Alistair Do

The report card is linked here and the text is also below


In this area, we are reporting on your child's progress in the 'writing' component to the English strand of the New Zealand Curriculum. The matrix below breaks writing into its component parts and then identifies the steps that students pass through on their journey to becoming mature writers. You will be able to see the steps that your student has mastered and the steps your student is currently working on. You can also look ahead to what is coming next.

Samples of your child's writing
 Date Writing Sample (click link to view) Teacher Comments
 End of Year 2019Click on this link to view a sample of Daniella's writing.Dani has a positive attitude towards writing and enjoys talking about her ideas for her stories. She almost always has an idea for writing in her head and she is now writing about a variety of topics. Dani can write fictional stories, descriptions and reports, as well as recounts of her personal experiences. Dani is still writing two to four sentences in a writing session. Her writing is well structured and her sentences follow a logical order. She is working on further developing her ideas for writing to include more pieces of information, experiences or specific details. Dani uses specific and interesting describing words in her writing to make her meaning clear and her writing interesting. She is starting to use some book language from the books she reads to interest her readers. She has a good oral vocabulary which she uses in her writing. Dani has met the expected level in writing for after one year at school. To meet the expected level in writing for after two years at school, by the time she has been at school for two years, Dani will need to consistently include more pieces of information, experiences or specific details in her writing to extend the length of her writing.
- Briar Parker

 Mid-Year 2019Click on this link to view a sample of Daniella's writing.Dani is happy to do some writing each day. Dani tends to write 'recounts' about what has been happening in her life. It is lovely to hear what she has been up to.

Dani writes two or three sentences per day.

Dani can spell some high-frequency words and can sound out unknown words quite successfully. She can also find some of the words she needs on an alphabetical word list or in a simple dictionary.

Dani's handwriting is tidy and well formed.

Dani's next steps are to pay a little more attention to punctuation, and to extend the length of what she writes each session.

Dani will be seven next February. She will need to make significant progress over the next six months to get to the expected level for a seven year old.
Alistair du Chatenier
 End of Year 2018 SampleDani enjoys writing and settles to the writing task quickly each day. She usually completes one to  two sentences, with just a little help. She is using the word card and wall dictionary well to find words she needs. She is also relating sounds to letters, especially initial letter sounds and is making good attempts at unknown words.
Dani is using full stops correctly in most situations and knows when to use capital letters. Her word bank of known basic words is growing steadily.
Dani is working at the expected level for her age. 

In this area, we are reporting on your child's progress in the 'reading' component to the English strand of the New Zealand Curriculum. As we have not yet developed a matrix which breaks reading into its constituent parts, this part of the report follows the more traditional, descriptive format that you will be familiar with from previous report forms. 

 Year Mid-yearEnd of Year
 2019Dani enjoys reading and approaches reading and literacy activities with enthusiasm. She enjoys reading books from the bookshelf and library together with her friends and listening to audiobooks on the listening post. Dani self-monitors her reading by checking that what she is reading sounds right, looks right and makes sense to her. When she gets stuck or notices that her reading didn’t sound or look right, she is able to re-read and use information from the book such as the picture, the sounds in words, and her knowledge of the story and what makes sense to her, to problem solve. Dani makes her reading sound like talking by reading small groups of words together smoothly and changing her voice to add expression. Her next step in reading is to continue to develop her self-monitoring skills by re-reading and trying again when she is stuck and checking that what she is reading sounds right, looks right and makes sense to her. Dani is currently progressing at the expected level for a Year 2 student at this point in the year.
- Briar Parker
Dani is an enthusiastic and independent reader. She reads for enjoyment and loves reading and listening to new stories. Dani has developed good self-monitoring and problem solving strategies that she can independently use when she reads. She can re-read when she encounters difficulty and to confirm that what she read sounds right, looks right and makes sense. She has good problem solving strategies when she gets stuck or notices that she has made a mistake. Dani can reread to search for more information and can combine different sources of information from the meaning of the story, her knowledge of language and the letters and sounds she can see in words to help her to problem solve. Dani reads aloud fluently with good expression, phrasing and intonation. She is working on consistently using these great strategies she has in place to further enhance the meaning and enjoyment she gets when reading new and more challenging stories and articles. Dani is progressing above the expected level in reading for a child that has been at school for nearly 2 years.
- Briar Parker
 2018   Dani has made very good progress with reading in English. She enjoys reading and likes to read new stories as often as she can. She enjoys reading to me and is beginning to read with good expression to make her reading sound like talking.  She is using good self correction strategies and is reading confidently and with fluency.
Although Dani is not yet at the expected level for her age I expect her progress to keep accelerating as it is now and feel that sometime during next year she will be reading at an age appropriate level.


The matrix below breaks mathematics into its component parts and then identifies the steps that students pass through on their journey to becoming mature mathematicians. You will be able to see the steps that your child has mastered and the steps your child is currently working on. You can also look ahead to what is coming next.

There are two parts to this section of the report: mathematical strategies and mathematical knowledge. These two areas support one another, so both need to develop in tandem to ensure continued progress in mathematics.
  • Mathematical Strategies covers the strategies the students use to solve mathematical problems. 
  • Mathematical Knowledge covers the instantaneous number knowledge that students bring to the problem solving process.
Teacher Comments
End of Year 2019Dani enjoys mathematics and she is an able mathematician. She can read numbers to 1000 and can quickly recall her basic facts to 20. She enjoyed our inquiry into Time and knows that the concept of time comes from the Earth's rotation around the Sun. She knows that there are different calendars some based on the cycle of the Moon and others on the stars. Dani can read an analogue and digital clock and she knows the difference between a minute and an hour. She can create data and display it on a bar graph. Dani is working at Stage 5 in Mathematics above the expected level for her age. -Krista Huber
Mid-Year 2019Dani enjoys Mathematics and she has quick recall of her basic facts to 20. This has helped her when solving new maths problems such as 6+7 as she knows 6+6 and she just adds one. She can recognise numbers to 100 and is working on numbers to 1000. Dani is learning the place value of numbers to 1000 and how to expand a given number e.g 156=100+50+6. She knows and can explain the difference between a 'ty' number and a 'teen' number e.g.  51 and 15.
Dani is working at Stage 4 in Mathematics and is transitioning to Stage 5. She is currently working above the expected level in Mathematics.
-Krista Huber
End of Year 2018Dani enjoys Mathematics and likes taking part in simple mathematical games.

She can count forward to 30 and backwards from 10.  She recognises numbers from 0-43. She is able to name the number after and before a given number up to and from 20.
Dani is able to add two numbers  adding up to 10 by 'counting-on by imaging'  (in her head without materials) . For larger numbers above 10 she needs to use materials and count from one.
Dani is learning to count in twos and  is able to recognise some basic geometrical shapes including square, circle, rectangle and triangle .
She is able to compare lengths of objects and state which one is longer or shorter.

Dani is working  at the expected level for her age.

2019 General Comment

Year Level:    2

Syndicate:  Te Kākano

Teachers:  Briar Parker and Krista Huber
Teacher's Comments
Dani is a friendly, bubbly and conscientious member of Tūī. She enjoys coming to school and has a positive and enthusiastic attitude towards class learning activities. Dani manages herself well in the classroom. She works independently and is almost always on task. She is responsible for her belongings and of our classroom space, making sure she tidies up the materials she uses when she is finished. Dani relates well with her peers. She is kind, caring and friendly towards her classmates. She has a good group of friends that she enjoys playing with and she also gets along well with many other children in Te Kākano, spending her time with different friend groups. Dani has been very responsible and caring with our new students over the course of the year, helping them settle in by showing them around and being friendly towards them. Dani looks out for her peers; if someone is hurt or upset she shows compassion and helps them out. She communicates clearly with others; she can share her thoughts, ideas and feelings clearly. Dani positively and enthusiastically participates in all classroom activities; she has a positive “can do” attitude when trying new things. At school Dani enjoys drawing, art, making cards and booklets, reading, writing and creative play with our shops and doll house. Dani is creative and loves art and drawing, making up stories and playing imaginative games with her friends. She is very articulate and asks good questions to clarify her understanding and to learn new things. Dani also enjoys science; she loves carrying out science experiments, reading non-fiction texts and she loved learning about space as part of our inquiry this year. Dani has shown strengths in learning languages this year; she has been very engaged in learning Chinese Mandarin and Te Reo Maori and will use what she has learned to talk to her classmates. It has been a pleasure teaching Dani this year. I wish her all the best in Year 3 next year.
- Briar Parker

The Arts - Music
Dani has made great progress in music this year. She has a good overall attitude towards our activities and enjoys working with others or independently to create music for a specific purpose. She always contributes very constructively to class discussions and is using the language of music more consistently. Dani has demonstrated a good understanding of Crotchets, Double Quavers, Triplets and Crotchet rests and can use them to create rhythm patterns. Good effort!


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