Tuesday, May 21, 2019



Zealandia is a protected natural area in Wellington, New Zealand, the first urban completely fenced ecosanctuary where the biodiversity of just under a square mile  of forest is being restored. 

Most of New Zealand's ecosystems have been severely modified by the introduction of land mammals that were not present during the evolution of its ecosystems, and have had a devastating impact on both native flora and fauna. The sanctuary, surrounded by a pest-exclusion fence, is a good example of an ecological island, which allows the original natural ecosystems to recover by minimising the impact of introduced flora and flora.

Zelandia is only about 1.5 miles from our house though it is up hill all the way  We rode the bike and was a challenge.

The fence goes around the 1 mile sanctuary and goes down into the ground to keep cats and other non native animals out

You can see the fence going over the hill

The said they are going to be draining the lake as it has so many fish it is filled with algae

Lots of birds!

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