Sunday, April 21, 2019

Hong Kong Visit April 2019

Out first trip back to Hong Kong since leaving in August.  We stayed by our old neighborhood and Dani saw all of her old friends.

Our friend Cindy organized a party for Dani on Saturday afternoon at the Jumping Gym playroom in Aberdeen.  They had redone the place since we left.  Most of her class was there.



Olivia and Victoria who we spent all day Sunday with at the Fun Zone

With her teacher Ms. Law.  We visited the Cannon school after class on Monday

Dani's old classroom where she spent K1 and K2 with Ms. Law

Dani seemed to forget most of her Chinese.  Very sad

With Ms, Law and Principle Trang

Her English teacher

With Mickey

We went to the playroom with all her school friends like the old days

With the woman who worked in the playroom who we became good friends with and knew Dani since we first arrived in HK when she was 2 years old.

Singing in the hotel room.  We have been listening to a lot of Queen

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