Sunday, October 7, 2018

Chocolate Fish

This weekend the weather was beautiful and both days we rode out to Chocolate Fish a restaurant on the water a few miles out side of town.  It is an 8 mile ride from our house mostly along the ocean with very little traffic.  Good opportunity to test out the new bike trailer.

The view of Chocolate fish

The view of the ocean

This is what most of the ride was like

The restaurant puts out bean bags, blankets, a trampoline and bicycles and scooters and everyone just relaxing.  

Her Chocolate Fish and folded egg sandwich

My beef burger

Chocolate Fish Ice Cream Sundae

The planes are coming into land 

Some people went swimming.  I think very cold!

She made a lot of friends and even one of her classmates was there on Saturday for awhile

A lot of time spent on the trampoline

Google did this automatic old photo. This is from 2015 when we first moved to HK.   Little girl

Playing with the big boys

and the girls

We stopped at the beach on the way home.  Another Google old and new
Meeting Grace in town on Cuba street

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