Thursday, August 9, 2018

Wellington, NZ First Day

It was a 10.5 hour flight from HK to Aukland and then another 1 hour flight to Wellington.  We had to transport four 50 pound suitcases and another 3 small carry on and backpacks through transit at few times.  Not the easiest of trips but we made it

Professional traveler.  The flight was packed but Air New Zealand was very good.  

Arriving in Wellington Airport.  It is where they filmed Lord of the Rings

First day walking around Wellington.  It is a four hour time difference from Hong Kong so some jet lag.  It is the winter time here so temperature in the 50's and seems to be some rain everyday.

We will have to learn Rugby. Like a religion here

The waterfront.  I thought the saying on the sign was appropriate

Dani finally got to go on the big slide that I had been telling her about for months

View from the top floor of the HSBC building

We made our way to the Wellington Library which is very nice and big

The Bee Hive government building which is next to my office.  Wellington is the capital city so the government is here

First meal in New Zealand

Jet Lag caught up!

Later that night she had a Skype call with her Hong Kong friends.  So happy!

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