Saturday, May 19, 2018

Hong Trail Hiking

I have been doing a hike from behind our apartment up the Hong Trail.   It is a a trail that goes up about 1000 feet to the top of the mountain and on the other side is downtown Hong Kong, I walk the two miles up and run back down.  Takes about 1 1/2 hours round trip.    Hong Kong has a great hiking trail network through out the city

I took Dani to the top of the mountain one Sunday on the bus and then we hiked back down

Right out of our apartment I have to climb these stairs up to the cemetery

Then up through the cemetery to the HK Trail.   The hike ends on the right side in the distance you can see the crane where they are building apartment buildings.

View from the cemetery.  Our building is the tallest at 45 floors

View from the top of the mountain

In town before taking the bus up to the top

At the top of the trail
Wild Pig

Cool roots growing down a wall

It has been really hot hiking the trail.  Now getting up into the 90's

A lady was out walking her turtle.  She said that she got him when he was the size of a postage stamp.  Now keeps him in a big tank in her apartment

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