After 7 weeks of lock down Dani returned to school on May 18 so now back for three weeks. NZ has had no new cases of COV19 for the past 13 days and things are about back to normal. The borders will remain pretty much closed for some time
Dani's happy to wear her many outfits returning to school
At the bottom of our driveway
Grace wearing the same shirt Dani is wearing. Now they can share clothes
We went out for a bike ride around town and got caught in the rain
The top of Victoria mountain behind our house.
Looking up North. The street to the right running North is Lake Road it the only street out of the peninsula. A lot of traffic on a two lane road with lights so good we do not have to drive on it often. We drive so little that one tank of gas lasts a few months. This is good since filling up the tank here costs about $100 USD. Gas is not cheap.
Dani with some new friends sisters we met bike riding during the lock down. The parents are both in the Navy and the mother is captain of the big navy ships